Bugs, Bears and the Occasional Serial Killer

Escape via Uber will only be $580

CJ Sterling
7 min readNov 4, 2021


Photo: Ryan Stone from Unsplash. Mt. Rainier is the third-highest mountain in the contiguous US

It is September, and a gorgeous Northwest weekend is coming up. Perfect 75-degree weather, with mild nights. My friends and I are drinking margaritas and eating flautas on the patio of Chupacabra, admiring Mt. Rainier, rising clear and majestic in the near distance. We start waxing rhapsodic about fall in Washington, when my friend Pramila utters words I have come to dread.

“Let’s all go camping this weekend!”

A chorus of “Yes!” and “Cool” and “Absolutely!” drowned out my wail of “Nooooo.” Through my dismay, words like “extra tent” and “new camp stove” and “We can take my van” filter through the excuses that begin running through my brain. After the first wave of enthusiasm and during a second round of margaritas they turn to me.

“Come on, CJ. Don’t say no. You always say no. Don’t you want to get away from the city for the weekend?”


“Don’t you want to see all the beautiful colors?”

“No.” I kick Pramila under the table.

“Anway, I can see them right here.” I said, lifting my frosty Golden Cadillac. “See? Fall gold, right here!”



CJ Sterling

Writer, journalist. Commentary: Washington Post, Economist, Daily Beast, New York Times, Seattle Times, Crosscut, The Stranger. 22.5 million views, Quora.