CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

Private Equity & Monopoly

1 story

The hindquarters of a bucking mule in Democratic Party livery; flying through the air behind them is a distressed-looking millionaire type in tophat and monocle, evidently kicked by the mule’s rearmost hoof, which glitters with radiating light. The millionaire type is on a collision course with Uncle Sam, dresses as an old-timey cop and brandishing a billyclub. On his breast is the emblem of the Federal Trade Commission. Behind the scene is a halftones WPA poster depicting the mountains and vall
CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

Accepting Writers

2 stories

CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

Brain organids

No stories

CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

Photography and equip

2 stories

CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

medium reading list

27 stories

A Puerto Rican flag. Microsoft Clippy has been superimposed over the star. His speech bubble reads, ‘It looks like you’re doing a pure tax play. Would you like help? [Yes] [No].
CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling

canva $

No stories

CJ Sterling

CJ Sterling


Writer, journalist. Commentary: Washington Post, Economist, Daily Beast, New York Times, Seattle Times, Crosscut, The Stranger. 22.5 million views, Quora.